Wild Hamsters
As a genetic offshoot of the golden hamster, the teddy bear hamster originates from Syria. Wild hamsters live in burrows to avoid predators and rarely share these tunnels with other adult hamsters. These hamsters have expandable cheek pouches to carry food back to their burrows. Hamsters all share certain family traits, such as hairless feet, a short nub of a tail, and the average lifespan of two to three years. Hamsters are solitary animals that only come together to mate.
What is a Teddy Bear Hamster?
A male teddy bear hamster has long tufts of fur. A teddy bear hamster can be identified by the long fuzzy coat that is softer to the touch than other hamster species. Male teddy bear hamsters have a very long coat from the lower half that almost looks like a dress made of fluffy fuzz. Teddy bears are easily trained to be held, and they typically appreciate the attention and care. They are very active animals that enjoy running. Owners should make an investment in an exercise wheel and hamster ball to keep the teddy bear entertained.
Hamster Cuisine
These fuzzy hamsters enjoy a diet of mixed seeds, corn, rodent pellets and grain which are all included in a typical bag of hamster mix. Hamsters are herbivores, meaning they prefer to eat only plant-based food. You can give them treats in the form of carrot pieces, lettuce and apple bits. One of the highlights of owning a teddy bear hamster is watching them stuff their cheek pouches with their favorite foods to “hide” in a new location to eat later.
Hamsters as Pets
A hamster ball is great exercise for your teddy bear hamster. Teddy bear hamsters make excellent pets for a variety of reasons. They require a relatively small amount of space; an aquarium is a common hamster home. When compared to other animals, the price of the food, bedding, housing unit, water bottle, treats and toys will cost you significantly less than other pets. As in the wild, you cannot house more than a single hamster in a single enclosure because they will fight to the death.
Care for Your Hamster
Caring owners of teddy bear hamsters should keep to a schedule of regular feeding, cleaning and interacting with their small pets. Food should be set in a dish once a day, usually in the evening or morning when the hamsters are most active. Water should be changed daily, and the hamster’s enclosure should be cleaned completely every week to keep the hamster healthy. Hold the hamster every day and allow it to run in a hamster-safe area to grow a loving bond between hamster and owner.
Facts About Teddybear Hamsters
The teddy bear hamster is a fluffy little rodent that dedicated pet owners can enjoy for several years. With love and attention, these domesticated hamsters can become sweet bundles of fuzz that get excited when you place your hand at their level to cuddle them. Teddy bear hamsters are a unique species enjoyed by pet owners all over the United States.