Charcoal Briquettes as a Pet Odor Deodorizer

Charcoal briquettes are frequently used to absorb unpleasant odors. The particles that create the odor are trapped in the charcoal, which can be easily discarded. Charcoal is used to remove odors produced by many animals, including fish, cats, and dogs and even cattle and horses.
  1. Activated Charcoal

    • Activated charcoal briquettes are typically used to remove odors. Activated charcoal is defined as charcoal that has been processed to increase its surface area, so it will trap odors faster.

    Fish Tanks

    • Charcoal is frequently used in the filters of fish tanks. Fish excrete waste that goes into the water in the tank and can smell unpleasant. A packet of charcoal in the filter absorbs this waste and eliminates the odor. Attaching an automated pump to speed up water circulation accelerates this process.


    • Charcoal can also be used in a cat litter box. Cats not only produce waste, they also mark their territory with their scent glands. Adding charcoal to the box will reduce odors from both of these sources.

    Other Pets

    • Charcoal-based absorbers specifically designed for the cages of other household pets, including reptiles, birds, and rabbits, can be obtained from companies such as Innofresh.


    • Activated charcoal can be used on a large scale. It is used to reduce odors created by farm animals including horses, cows, and pigs.

    Briquettes and Pet Food

    • Charcoal briquettes can also be mixed with pet food. Not only will this reduce odor of excretions, the charcoal can also absorb toxins that the pet has ingested.