Most Humane Way to Kill Mice

There are a number of ways to kill mice, but some are more humane than others. According to Stanford University, when killing mice for the purpose of feeding reptiles or other carnivorous pets, the most humane way to euthanize is through the use of carbon dioxide gas (co2). The following strategy makes it possible to humanely kill mice without causing any unnecessary suffering.
  1. Materials

    • The basic materials for setup average around $100 or less, including a co2 tank, release valve and remote (which is the hose running between the co2 tank and the tank where the mice will be placed). Once this has been completed, the only material that needs to be replenished is the actual co2. In addition to the supplies, a large plastic container with a tightly fitting lid and a container for water will also be needed, along with a sealant to keep everything together.


    • Begin by drilling a hole at the bottom of the large container, ensuring that the hole accommodates the remote for the co2 setup. Because the gas is heavier than oxygen, the co2 should be fed into the container from the bottom. Apply sealant around the co2 hose where it is inserted into the container to create an air tight seal. Drill a hole in the top of the container for an air tube and apply sealant in the same manner. Feed the end of the air tube into the water container and fill with enough water that no air can enter into the tube.


    • Place mice in the container with the lid and seal container. Use the co2 system to flood the "kill container" with co2 gas. Air will escape through the air tube without allowing any air to enter into the tank. This method of killing mice is humane, as the mice simply go to sleep. The co2 gas should be fed in slowly for the most humane results. If rodents appear to be in distress, slow down the co2 supply.