How to Safely Remove an Animal From a Glue Trap

Glue traps, also known as glue boards or sticky traps, are a dangerous an inhumane method of removing pests from the home. The devices are usually thrown out, with the animal, leaving the animal to die a slow and torturous death. In addition to the cruelty aspect of glue traps, it is common for pets and wildlife to become stuck to the traps once the traps are outside. Both the Humane Society and PETA are against using glue traps. The devices are not regulated in the United States, but are banned in Victoria, Australia, and heavily regulated in the United Kingdom.

Things You'll Need

  • Towel
  • Heavy-duty gloves
  • Vegetable oil
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      Consider contacting a veterinarian or wildlife professional for assistance. Removing an animal from a glue trap is very difficult for non-professionals. The process can also be dangerous for you and the animal.

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      Wear thick gloves to protect your hands and arms. Carefully restrain the animal near its neck with your hand and a towel, but do not place the towel over the animal's head.

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      Apply vegetable oil to the contact area. Work the vegetable oil into the skin and the glue trap.

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      Wait a few minutes for the oil to loosen the glue's grip. Continue massaging the oil into the glue trap and the part of the animal's skin that's attached to it.

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      Bring the animal to a veterinarian. The oil must be properly removed from the fur or the skin; the oil can prevent the animal from regulating its body temperature.