How to Raise Earthworms in a Small Container

Raising earthworms can be a bit of a dirty conquest, but it may teach you some small responsibilities on how to take care of an animal. Earthworms are squirmy little creatures that need a little bit of life support to survive. One easy way to raise earthworms is to do so in a small container. You can use any old household container, such as a shoebox or peanut butter jar.

Things You'll Need

  • Container
  • Pen or tiny knife
  • 2/3 cup of soil
  • Bits of cardboard
  • Leaves
  • Small food remains
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      Create a home for your friendly worms. You can choose all kinds of small containers for the home. You can raise them in ice cream buckets, shoe boxes or even an empty peanut butter jar.

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      Puncture some holes in the container for drainage and air hole purposes. You can do this with a pen or a tiny knife. The holes should be on top of the container and on the sides. Make sure the holes are smaller than the earthworms.

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      Drop 2/3 cup of moist soil into your small container.The soil should be fresh and slightly firm. Top it off with a mixture of leaves, some grass and bits of cardboard. This will hold the moisture in and also give the worms something to munch on.

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      Add the worms into the container. All it takes is just lightly placing them on to the top layers of your soil. You will want to know what kind of earthworms you are using. This is so you can know how large they get and what they eat.

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      Maintain a balance of your earthworm's ecosystem. If the container gets too wet inside, drain it and apply some dry soil and leaves on top. If it gets too dry, add some water. Also, make sure the earthworms are well fed with leaves and small food remains.