How to Kill Fleas With Homemade Products

Fleas are irritating creatures that bite your animals and even you when they infest your home. These bites itch and make a person uncomfortable. It is best to get rid of them as soon as you find them in your home. If you don't a hundred dollars to call a professional, you can try some home made products. Home made products won't cost you that much, and some of them you may already own.

Things You'll Need

  • Cedar products
  • Orange peels
  • Blender
  • Pot
  • Water
  • Vinegar
  • Bowl
  • Night light
  • Salt
  • Glue traps
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      Fleas hate cedar wood. You can get rid of them by distributing cedar mulch around your house. Place some cedar shavings around any area your dog plays outside. You can also drizzle some white cedar essential oil on your dog or cats collar. This will get rid of the fleas on your dog.

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      Plug a night light in to your outlet. Place a bowl of vinegar underneath the night light. Turn the night light on. In the morning you will find dead fleas in the vinegar. The light attracts the fleas so they jump toward the light. They land in the vinegar and die.

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      Boil five orange peels in a pot. You will need four to five cups of water to do this. Keep boiling the peels until they become soft. Set the pot aside until it cools off. Then blend the peels and water in the blender. Strain the mixture and then pour the orange peel water in to a spray bottle. Spray the orange water on your pets, their sleeping area's, floors, and anywhere you see the fleas. The fleas will begin to die soon thereafter. Repeat again in four weeks in the flea eggs hatch.

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      Sprinkle salt all over the floors of your home before you go to bed. When you wake up you can vacuum up all the salt and the dead fleas. The salt actually dissolves their exoskeletons and causes them to die of dehydration.

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      Buy some glue traps and set them up in the area's you see the fleas. When the fleas jump in to the glue traps, they get stuck and die.