Tips for Care of Hermit Crabs

Hermit crabs are members of the crustacean family and come in many sizes and shapes, although the smallest ones are the most popular as pets. They are kept in an aquarium or another transparent container. For individuals or a family who live in an apartment that does not allow traditional pets, hermit crabs provide an entertaining substitute. A pet hermit crab can teach children how to care for a pet while learning about the creature and its habits.

Things You'll Need

  • Hermit crabs
  • Aquarium or clear container
  • Tank heater
  • Humidity mister
  • Sterile sand
  • Rocks
  • Extra shells
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      Choose hermit crabs carefully. If possible, talk to a friend who has hermit crabs and ask for a recommendation of a pet store that sells healthy crabs. Because these tiny creatures react negatively to excessive stress, they may fall ill and die within a couple of weeks if they suffer too much environmental change. Smell the hermit crab cage at the store. There should be no musty odor.

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      Provide hermit crabs with a healthy environment in which to live. The temperature of the cage should be between 75 degrees F and 85 degrees F. In addition, try to maintain a consistent 70 percent to 80 percent humidity. A small tank heater or an inexpensive heating cable set on a thermostat under the cage is necessary. In addition, a timed mister that sprays once or twice a day will keep the humidity at a tropical level for your crabs.

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      Line the bottom of the cage or aquarium with sterile sand and place a few larger rocks around for climbing and sitting beneath. You can sterilize the sand by rinsing and straining it through a fine sieve before spreading it on a cooking sheet and baking it for 30 minutes at 350 degrees F. Alternately, purchase commercial sand, fortified with calcium (see Resources).

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      Provide companionship for your hermit crabs. Like other animals, hermit crabs prefer to live among others of their species. In nature, dozens of hermit crabs may band together, so buy one or two more for the cage. They will not only live longer, they will be more active.

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      Feed hermit crabs with a commercial food designed to keep your crabs healthy and happy. In a pinch, you can drop a small worm into the cage but commercial hermit crab food supplies all the nutrients the crabs need to live a long and healthy life (see Resources).

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      Give your hermits crabs an option of clothing. One of the fascinating aspects of hermit crabs is that they change shells occasionally. Prepare new shells by boiling and drying them before placing in the cage. Before long, you may see one of the new shells moving along the sand with the old shell discarded nearby (see Resources).