How to Get Rid of Ants on Countertops

Getting ant off your counters and out of your kitchen is easier than you'd think. Keep your loved ones and pets safe and keep ants off your summer goodies with these simple tips.

Things You'll Need

  • Spray bottle (perferably a new one from any general gardening store)
  • Water
  • Peppermint extract found in baking goods or your own peppermint plant (leaves).
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      Fill the spray bottle with water.

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      Pour in a comparable amount of straight liquid peppermint extract into the water to make it very concentrated but not completely overpowering. Replace the lid on your spray bottle and shake well. If it is not an emergency keep the bottle in the refrigerator overnight before use to instill an even amount of extract to the water.

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      If the ants are already on the counter top, spray them liberally with the water and extract and they will either die or disperse very quickly. They hate the smell of the herb and will head for the hills as soon as they get a whiff.

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      Cover all areas of your kitchen or affected places with the solution, especially concentrating on visible "ins and outs" and everywhere you might even suspect ants to wander.

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      As this is a non-toxic solution, you may have to re-apply the solution a few times as the scent will wear off over time.

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      Another way to prevent ants from getting into windows and other areas is to keep a small peppermint or spearmint plant (potted) near window sills as the scent itself will repel them from entering. These are also pet friendly herbs and will not harm your cats or dogs if ingested.