How to Keep Cockroaches out of the House

Most people consider cockroaches to be nasty, disease carrying creatures that have no place inside a home. This may not be entirely true, but one can easily understand why the tiny creatures are so loathed. Read more to learn the best way to keep cockroaches out of the house for once and for all.

Things You'll Need

  • Bug spray
  • Cleanliness
  • Organization
  • Watchfulness
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      Keep the house clean. Make sure food isn’t left sitting around, floors are clean of food and debris, and all spills are cleaned immediately. Remember, cockroaches arrive in search of food. Without crumbs and clutter, there is no reason for the tiny creatures to stay.

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      Empty trash cans often. Do not let overflowing trash cans set around for very long.

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      Organize all paper items. Cockroaches will hide amongst paperwork, bags, and cardboard boxes. Get rid of all old paper products lying around the home.

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      Tightly seal all food completely. Do not leave open food products inside the cupboards. Instead, put open cookies and crackers in sealed freezer bags and leftover rice and oatmeal inside plastic containers. Cover with a lid when applicable.

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      Spray for bugs monthly. If you see a neighbor spray for bugs, do the same. Cockroaches move from one location to the next, in search of available food.

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      Put boric acid around the house. Placing boric acid underneath cabinets and appliances will help keep cockroaches out of the house.

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      Cover drain openings under sinks and around the washer. It’s a good idea to cover any openings from the outside.

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      Hire an exterminator to do regular sprays of the house. This is an most expensive option, but will ensure few cockroaches enter and stay within the house.

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      Don’t fall behind on household cleaning. Keeping the house clean and clutter free is the number one way to keep cockroaches out of the home. Remember, the best defense is a good offense!