How to Get Rid of Ants Without Chemicals

Ants are pesky insects that like to invade your space. If you have children or pets, you certainly don’t want to risk exposing them to toxic chemicals that are in a lot of ant remover products. Even if you don’t have children or pets, you may not want any chemical residue left on your premises. The following steps can be taken to remove ants using natural sources. All of these remedies have been used with success, so you can choose any one of them to get the job done. Here’s how to get rid of ants without chemicals.


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      Use tartar cream. Tartar cream is a highly effective natural remedy for ants. Just put it at sites where ants enter the home, or put tartar cream on other ports of entry, such as ant mounds.

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      Mix tartar cream with vinegar. You don’t even have to combine vinegar with tartar cream to get rid of ants, but since two potents are better than one, why not mix them together to make an even more effective ant remover? Simply stir some tartar cream into some vinegar and put on ant entry sites.

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      Blend molasses and orange oil With water. The key ingredient in this one is the orange oil. Mix equal parts of molasses and orange oil to four quarts of water and pour into any ant mounds.

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      Pepper them. Grab a pepper shaker and pepper those ants as if they were a big pot of chili. Ants do not like pepper of any kind, including cayenne pepper.

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      Mint them away. Drop mint oil into ant mounds to drive ants away.

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      Sprinkle talcum powder. Another way of getting rid of ants without using chemicals is to sprinkle talcum powder over the ant mounds.

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      Use cucumber skins. Ants don’t like a substance that’s in cucumber skins, so instead of throwing those cucumber skins in the garbage, put them on the ant's ports of entry.