How to Conduct a Pet's Funeral

A pet quickly becomes a member of the family. After it dies, the pet's funeral is a sign of that close relationship. Conducting a pet's funeral should be solemn. If children are involved, the funeral should be performed according to their wishes.


    • 1

      Find the appropriate container for the pet's body. If the pet is small, a shoe box is the standard. If the pet is larger, beautiful fabric can be used to wrap the body.

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      Dig a grave in an out-of-the-way location. Be sure the hole is deep enough to avoid scavengers digging up the body.

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      Make a small marker for the grave. Bricks, wood or plastic are all fine materials for a grave marker.

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      Let children place the pet's favorite objects or foods with the body. This helps to ease their grief as they imagine the animal will somehow feel better having these comforts in the afterlife.

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      Place the body gently into the grave. Lowering the animal into the grave should be done with dignity instead of just casually tossing the body into the grave.

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      Say some thoughtful words about the pet. Singing a song or playing music is also a good way to say goodbye to a family pet.

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      Cover the grave with the dirt and place flowers on the grave. Many families plant flowers or bushes near the grave as a way to remember their lost pet.