How to care for a fiddler crab

Fiddler crabs are normally no bigger then 1.5 inches besides the great big claw that the males carry. They eat pretty much anything that they will find but you can use hermit crab food.

Things You'll Need

  • Knowledge about fiddler crabs
  • Fiddler crab
  • Habitat for your fiddler crab
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      Fiddler crabs actually eat dainty by picking up each tiny piece of food and placing it in their mouths. You will want a shallow dish to place their food in, one that is easy for them to get in and out of.

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      Make sure that you change their food daily or else it will grow mold and they will eat that as well, but the smell will not be so great for you. Set their food on one side of the cage. feed them about 2 pinches of food a day with one pinch being placed in the sand and the other one in their water dish that you should set on a side of the cage.

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      You want to house your fiddler crabs by giving them about a square foot of space each. You can have many or just a few. When you store many in a cage together they tend to not argue as much. When there is a smaller group you will see them argue with each other, that is their natural way of life.

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      They will want to have a substrate to burrow into such as sand, potting soil, vermiculite, dirt, coconut fiber, or gravel. You may also want to get them a mini cave to bury under since they enjoy doing so and many cages do not allow enough substrate to do so in. Change the substrate about every 3 weeks or as needed.

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      The male fiddler crabs like to climb to check out the female crabs so make sure that you have your cage covered so they can't get out.

      Add a teaspoon of salt per gallon of water, and change it often. The typical life span of a fiddler crab is 1.5 years. You should keep their home around 75 to 82 degrees and of course clean their home regularly.

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      If you have any questions then you should ask the one selling you the fiddler crab before making your purchase.