How to Build a Hamster High Rise

Hamsters are interesting and social little creatures that make great pets. Hamsters enjoy the safety and security of a cage that offers places to hide, exercise and burrow. Providing a hamster with a high-rise area to exercise gives the animal much needed stimulation and activity.


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      Talk to a pet care specialist about the proper high-rise for your size of cage or aquarium and what type of material makes the safest and easiest high-rise to use.

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      Buy a hamster cage suitable in size for the number of hamsters you have. Hamster cages usually come with a few things like a shelf, exercise wheels, bowls and hide boxes.

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      Choose a hamster cage with a solid bottom and a depth of at least two inches or more. This will provide ample space and depth for bedding which allows the hamster to burrow. All purpose aquariums also make good hamster homes.

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      Look for pre-made hamster high-rises at your local pet supply store. These models are made to fit on top of a ten gallon aquarium and extend the height of your hamster cage to provide a multilevel play area for your hamster.

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      Consider using colorful hamster tubing to create a high-rise for your hamster. The tubes connect together allowing you to make a detailed high-rise or something a little simpler. These units are also designed to fit on top of any 10 gallon aquarium and come in a variety of turns and colors.