Rely on other means besides color to identify the Vietnamese Centipede. This centipede is seen in a variety of colors, and the body generally ranges from brown to yellow, with the legs ranging from reddish brown to yellow-orange. Individuals with black bodies are also known.
Take the adult length of your Vietnamese centipede into account when selecting the enclosure. They can grow to 8 inches, which is long for a centipede. It has 21 body segments with one pair of legs per segment. The antenna has 18 to 19 segments, although the first six are smooth. The last legs have three spines.
Consider how the Vietnamese Centipede's feeding behavior differs from millipedes. Like most centipedes, the Vietnamese Centipede is carnivorous and feeds on other invertebrates.
Observe a hunting centipede. It grabs its prey with its front legs and injects venom with its fangs. The prey is paralyzed or killed outright and the centipede then feeds at its leisure.
Buy a Vietnamese Centipede at many exotic pet stores. Despite its name, it is not restricted to Vietnam and is common throughout southeast Asia. It may be found in almost any area that remains hot and humid.
How to Identify a Vietnamese Centipede
The Vietnamese Centipede is the common name for scolopendra subspinipes. It is a large, aggressive species and the only centipede that is known to have killed a human with its venom. It should be kept only by an experienced keeper. The following steps will help you identify this centipede.