How to Care for Frogs

Frogs are not low-maintenance pets. They require careful care to remain healthy.

Things You'll Need

  • Water Dechlorinating Solution
  • Aquarium Heaters
  • Aquarium Lights
  • Aquarium Plants
  • Aquarium Screen Covers
  • Aquarium Water Test Kits
  • Aquariums
  • Powdered Vitamins
  • Crickets
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      Keep your frog in an aquarium that is either all water or part aquatic and part land. The type of aquarium you need depends on your breed of frog. When you purchase your frog, ask if it is completely aquatic or not.

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      Consult with the retailer to determine what size tank your breed of frog requires. Small frogs may need only a 1-gallon tank while large frogs may need 10 gallons.

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      Add water and plants to your tank. Consult with the store you buy the frog from as to what types of plants your breed of frog will be most comfortable with. Avoid using gravel on the bottom of your tank, as some frogs will eat this and become sick.

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      Cover your aquarium tightly so frogs cannot escape, but make sure it is well ventilated. A screen cover works best.

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      Place your aquarium out of direct sun, drafts or extreme temperatures.

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      Maintain the recommended temperature for your frog using heat lamps and water heaters. Make sure you find out what temperature your frog will be most comfortable in. This may range from room temperature to 80 degrees.

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      Make sure you give your frog water that has been dechlorinated. Change water that is dirty, but try not to change relatively clean water too often as this may shock the frog. Changing a portion of the water every three or four days is sufficient.

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      Feed your frog crickets or other food recommended by the retailer, such as mealworms, insects and larvae. Large frogs may need baby mice. Most frogs like food that moves. Food can be supplemented with powdered vitamins. The frog should eat all it needs in about 15 minutes. Do not overfeed.

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      Watch your frogs for signs of illness. Red leg disease is common. The frog's underside and legs turn red. Contact your vet at any signs of illness.

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      Recognize that frogs do molt, so do not take this as a sign of illness. Frogs also hibernate. The frog may appear to be very still and may attempt to conceal itself. Do not disturb your frog when it is hibernating. If it is breathing, it is okay.

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      Talk to your vet or the person you purchase the frog from to get an idea as to what kind of behavior is normal for your frog. If your frog suddenly behaves differently, contact your vet.