Pet Hedgehog Supplies for Housing & Care

Before you bring your new hedgehog home, set up suitable housing for him. That way he can immediately start acclimating himself to his new environment. He requires a few accessories in his new domain, for health and exercise. Because hedgies are sensitive to cold, place his home in a warm, draft-free part of your house, although not in direct sunlight.
  1. Housing

    • A large aquarium, or the sort of cage marketed for guinea pigs and other small rodents, fills the bill for your hedgehog. Buy the largest cage you can afford for your space, as hedgehogs need room to roam. Avoid cages with wire bottoms, as tiny hedgehog feet can slip between the wires and become injured. Because hedgies need a place to hide, provide yours with an area to get away from it all. A small piece of PVC pipe, available at hardware stores, does the trick. Your hedgie also appreciates toys, such as balls, for playtime.


    • Purchase a ceramic food bowl designed for rodents. Ideally the food dish shouldn't exceed 3 inches in height, with a width of between 3 and 6 inches. Choose a heavy bowl that a hedgehog can't easily knock over. You can use a similar bowl for water. Unlike some other small pets, such as hamsters, hedgehogs don't use water bottles attached to the cage. Make sure your pet always has fresh, clean water.


    • Line your hedgie's cage with hay, straw, recycled newspaper or aspen shavings. Don't use pine or cedar shavings, as the oils in these woods can irritate your pet's respiratory system.

    Litter Box

    • Hedgehogs will learn to use a litter box. A small commercial litter box or a simple plastic pan meets their needs. Use pelleted litter or paper towels, but don't use regular or clumping cat litter for your hedgie.


    • The Hedgehog Welfare Society calls exercise wheels a "must" for these animals. Don't purchase a wheel designed for rodents, as a hedgehog needs a large wheel with a solid surface that won't allow toes to slip through. If your pet store doesn't carry hedgehog wheels, look online for a supplier. The HWS recommends a minimum diameter of 11 inches, but advises that larger wheels are preferable.


    • Purchase food developed specifically for hedgehogs. If you can't find these foods at your local stores, Chicago Exotics animal hospital recommends substituting high-quality ferret or cat foods, as hedgehogs are primarily carnivorous.