How to Hold a Pregnant Rabbit

Rabbits are affectionate and like to spend time with their owners, but they also do well on their own. Pregnant rabbits are very delicate, so take care of your doe and handle her properly. A jump or fall could harm her and her precious cargo.


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      Stand on the left side of your rabbit if you are right-handed and vice versa if you are left-handed. Make sure your pregnant rabbit is on a safe, level surface close to the ground, like the floor.

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      Approach your doe slowly from the back. Bend down and place your non-dominate hand on top of your rabbit̵7;s head. This helps keep her calm and prevents her from hopping off.

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      Slide your dominate hand under your rabbit̵7;s ribcage. Move your hand under her chest and slide your free hand under her and support her pregnant belly.

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      Sit with her in your lap. If you need to transport her, lift her up and hold her close to your torso. While holding her, keep her snug and secure to prevent her from jumping out of your arms and causing harm to herself or the babies.