How to Care for a Pet Capybara

Growing up to 4 feet in length and 25 inches tall, the capybara is the world's largest species of rodent. Originating in South America, capybaras are growing in popularity as pets -- even though full-grown adults typically range from 75 to 150 pounds, and some grow to 250 pounds. With their mix of guinea pig and dog-like traits, capybaras can make fun and sociable pets.

Things You'll Need

  • Hiding shelter
  • Hay
  • Wading pool
  • Litter water bowl
  • Ceramic or metal food dish
  • Guinea pig feed
  • Fresh fruit
  • Vegetables
  • Grass
  • Drinking water bowl
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      Allow your capybara to live indoors, just as you would with a pet dog or cat, as long as it's able to be housebroken. Although the capybara is a rodent, they are not kept in cages like rats or hamsters.

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      Provide a hiding shelter for your pet. This can be a dog house or anything else large enough to hold your capybara. Fill the bottom with hay and bedding.

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      Provide your capybara with a shallow bowl or pan filled with water, if you want to potty train it. This can be placed either indoors or outdoors, but it must be easily accessible.

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      Provide your capybara with a suitable watering hole. A wading pool is ideal, but you can also use a pond, bathtub or any large container filled with water. Whatever you use, fill it deep enough for your pet to submerge in. Because they are a semi-aquatic animals, capybaras need water in their daily habitats to stay healthy. They can even breathe underwater for up to five minutes.

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      Feed your capybara a mix of guinea pig feed, fresh fruits, vegetables and grass. They are herbivores and should never be given meat. Feeding dishes must be ceramic or metallic, as these are not as easily tipped over or gnawed as plastic ones. Provide a water dish for your pet to drink from, and make sure it's readily accessible.

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      Let your pet out in the yard at least once per day, and allow your capybara to have a run around. They can be leash trained and walked like a dog, if you start it from a young age. Always attach your leash to a harness.