Good Starter Animals for Children

Many children have a natural affinity for animals. Parents must assume the responsibility of teaching their children to properly handle and care for pets. No matter how small or what type of animal it is, you and your child are dealing with a living creature that deserves adequate care, respect and comfort. Educate yourself regarding the type of starter pet you choose before you bring it into your family's home.
  1. Fish

    • Fish are good starter pets for your child. Many types are available from which to choose, and you can create as simple or elaborate aquarium as you wish. Do some research and select a breed of fish that fits well with how much time you wish to invest. Colorful varieties will entertain the youngest of children.


    • Hamsters are good "pocket" pets that children older than 3 often enjoy handling. Teach your child the teacup method of picking up a hamster by scooping the animal into the cup, then into your child's hand when the animal is calm. Begin with short sessions of handling until you child and his animal become comfortable with one another.

    Small Birds

    • As with fish, the appeal of small birds is that young children can watch and enjoy these animals without handling them. Keep the cage elevated above your child's reach except when you bring it down for the two of you to watch these colorful, active pets. Invest in two birds of the same gender so they can keep each other company.

    Hermit Crabs

    • Hermit crabs do not require much in terms of care and handling. These animals are inexpensive and can be purchased in most tourist shops of coastal towns as well as in pet shops. Keep the crabs in a container with a deep enough substrate in which they can burrow. Maintain a temperature of about 75 degrees for their health and comfort.

    Certain Dog Breeds

    • Certain breeds of man's best friend will make exceptional pets for your children and the entire family. Some might argue that dogs are not good starter pets because of the amount of care and attention they require, but many find them the perfect first animal to have due to their affectionate nature and playful spirit. Consider a Labrador retriever if you can maintain a large dog or a cocker spaniel or whippet if you can only house smaller breeds.


    • According to The Washington Post, a great starter animal for children is a rat. Though some might be turned off by the idea of the rodent famous for carrying disease, today's domesticated rat makes a suitable pet. They are intelligent, play with toys, often cuddle with their owners and you can litter train them. Invest in a large cage and a friend -- of the same gender -- to keep these animals happy.