How to Raise Live Crawfish

Crayfish are also known as crawdads and crawfish, and they are small crustaceans that resemble very small lobsters. They are typically freshwater animals, and they are easily found in North America in lakes, rivers and streams. Crayfish are solitary creatures and are aggressive to each other and other fish, so are best kept alone. If you want to raise more than one crayfish, you will need to provide a large aquarium with plenty of hiding places to keep them separated.

Things You'll Need

  • 20-gallon aquarium with secure lid
  • Sand or gravel
  • Aquarium filter
  • Tank heater
  • Tank thermometer
  • Hides
  • Plastic plants
  • Sinking fish food
  • Fruits and vegetables
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      Place a 3- to 4-inch layer of sand or fine gravel on the floor of a 20-gallon aquarium.

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      Fill the tank with dechlorinated water. You can dechlorinate water by adding dechlorinating tablets to the water or simply by letting the water age in an open container for between 24 and 48 hours. The tank should have a secure lid with no holes. Crawdads can climb out of even a very deep tank and will even jump out of the water, so the tank needs to be escape-proof.

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      Attach an aquarium filter to the tank.

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      Install a tank heater and a tank thermometer if the crayfish are tropical. Tropical crayfish need water that is between 70 and 80 degrees, and a tank thermometer allows you to monitor the temperature. Cold water varieties of crayfish do not require a tank heater.

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      Place objects for the crayfish to hide in into the tank. Rocks, flower pots and plastic buckets all serve as good hides, and they allow two crayfish to live together without fighting. Also provide plastic plants for the crayfish to climb on. Crayfish will eat live plants.

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      Feed the crayfish sinking fish food and supplement their diets with chopped fruits and vegetables. Use a net to remove any food that has not been consumed a few hours after feeding.