How to Breed Hedgehogs

Hedgehogs, although they appear spiky, can actually make loving, friendly pets. The most common type of hedgehog found as a pet is the African pygmy hedgehog. These little critters, which usually grow to between 7 and 9 ½ inches long, are easy to care for. They prefer to be left alone during the day, which is when they sleep, but become active and friendly in the late afternoon and evening. Hedgehogs require handling daily in order to remain sociable. Breeding hedgehogs is not difficult, but the females and young will require a great deal of care.


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      Breed hedgehogs that are between 5 and 12 months old. This ensures that the hedgehogs are mature enough to breed. Female hedgehogs older than 12 months may have trouble with breeding, and may not conceive.

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      Clean the male's cage. This is where the hedgehogs will breed. Remove any toys or other objects that could distract them.

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      Place the female hedgehog in the male's cage. You'll want to leave the female in the male's cage for one week, in order to ensure that a successful breeding has occurred.

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      Leave the hedgehogs alone as much as possible. Many hedgehogs will not breed if they are being watched; or if they feel uncomfortable in any way.

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      Place the female back in her regular cage at the end of the week. Give the female hedgehog time to rest. After another week has gone by, you can again place the female in the male's cage, leaving them together for another week, if you wish. This is not necessary, but it increases the likelihood of a successful breeding.

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      Leave the female alone as much as possible after breeding. Hedgehogs usually give birth after 35 days, but it can take up to 46 days. A female that's disturbed before she gives birth, or while she is raising the young, may eat the young. If the male hedgehog is with the female, or near the female, the parents may also eat the young hedgehogs. Therefore, keep the pregnant female secluded before and after the birth. The hedgehog will give birth to between 3 and 9 young.