What should you do if your puppy ate a small Nerf ball?

If you think your puppy ate a small Nerf ball, you should:

1. Call your veterinarian immediately. They will be able to assess the situation and determine the best course of action.

2. If your veterinarian is not available, you can try to remove the ball yourself. First, try to induce vomiting by giving your puppy a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide every 15 minutes for up to three times. If the ball is not vomited up, you may need to take your puppy to the emergency clinic for surgical removal of the ball.

3. Keep your puppy calm and quiet. This will help to prevent the ball from moving around and causing further damage.

4. Do not give your puppy any food or water until your veterinarian has seen them. This could make the situation worse and make it more difficult to treat your puppy.

Here are some tips to help prevent your puppy from eating foreign objects:

* Keep all small objects, including toys, out of reach of your puppy.

* Supervise your puppy at all times when they are outside.

* Teach your puppy to leave things alone.

* If you see your puppy chewing on something they shouldn't be, immediately take it away from them and replace it with a toy.