Are fairy the smallest penguin?

Yes, the fairy penguin (Eudyptula minor) is the smallest species of penguin. Also called the little blue penguin, it is found along the southern coast of Australia and New Zealand and on nearby islands. Fairy penguins are blue-gray on their upper body and white on their underside. They have a black face and a white stripe along the side of their head. Fairy penguins are about 12 inches (30 centimeters) tall and weigh about 1 pound (0.5 kilogram). They feed on small fish, squid, and crustaceans. Fairy penguins are social animals and live in colonies. They nest in burrows or under rocks. Fairy penguins are monogamous, meaning they mate for life. They lay two eggs per clutch, and both parents help to incubate the eggs and raise the chicks.