1. Establish a routine. Puppies need to go potty first thing in the morning, after meals, and before bed. Take your puppy out to the same spot each time so that they start to associate that spot with going potty. Puppies typically need to eliminate within 15 minutes of eating.
2. Use positive reinforcement. When your puppy goes potty in the right spot, praise them and give them a treat. This will help them learn that going potty in the right spot is a good thing.
3. Be patient. Puppy training takes time and consistency. Don't get discouraged if your puppy doesn't learn right away. Just keep at it and they'll eventually get the hang of it.
4. Use crate training. To prevent accidents and give your puppy a safe place to sleep and relax, consider crate training. If you leave your puppy alone for several hours, provide a pee pad in the crate in case of emergencies.
5. Reward desired behaviors. When your puppy successfully eliminates outdoors, offer a treat, verbal praise, or a playful activity as a reward.
6. Watch for signs. Some puppies display specific behaviors before they need to go potty. They may sniff the ground, circle, or even start walking toward a certain area. As you become familiar with your puppy's routine and behavior, you can anticipate their needs and take them out before an accident happens.
Here is a more detailed schedule you can follow for potty training your 11-week-old puppy:
6:00 AM: Wake up your puppy and take them outside to potty.
7:00 AM: Feed your puppy breakfast.
7:15 AM: Take your puppy outside to potty again.
9:00 AM: Playtime! Get your puppy moving around and active. This will help them to digest their food and get them closer to needing to potty again.
11:00 AM: Take your puppy outside to potty.
1:00 PM: Time for lunch!
1:15 PM: Take your puppy outside to potty again.
3:00 PM: Another play session!
5:00 PM: Take your puppy outside to potty.
7:00 PM: Feed your puppy dinner.
7:15 PM: Last potty trip of the day before bedtime.
By following this schedule, you will be able to help your puppy learn to control their bladder and bowels and become potty trained.