How do you know if your teacup poodle is a boy or girl?

To determine the sex of a teacup poodle, you can look for the following physical differences:

1. Genitalia: Male poodles have a penis, while female poodles have a vulva. The vulva is located on the underside of the dog's body, just below the anus.

2. Body Shape: Male poodles tend to have a broader chest and a more muscular build, while female poodles have a more narrow chest and a more petite build.

3. Head Shape: Male poodles typically have a wider, more square-shaped head, while female poodles usually have a narrower, more oval-shaped head.

4. Ears: Male poodles often have larger ears that are set higher on the head, while female poodles have smaller ears that are set lower on the head.

5. Tail Carriage: Male poodles tend to carry their tail higher than female poodles. Male poodles may also have a curved tail, while female poodles usually have a straight tail.

6. Behavior: Male poodles may be more assertive and dominant than female poodles. Male poodles may also be more likely to lift their leg to mark territory.

In some cases, it may be difficult to determine the sex of a teacup poodle by physical appearance alone. If you are unsure of the sex of your dog, you can take them to a veterinarian for confirmation.